Monday, December 12, 2005

The Sink #3 - It's free, OK?

Welcome to episode three of "The Sink." In this episode we discuss Paris Hilton's gigantic vagina, Bareback Mountain, and Black Face Jesus.

Click to listen, right-click to download

Minute-by-minute breakdown:
0:00 - 2:11
Theme: "Lovers and Clowns," by Steven Gullett
It's free, OK?/Nothing to talk about
Show schedule
2:12 - 6:01
Paris Hilton's gigantic vagina [Link] [Link]
6:02 - 16:10
The apparently homosexual LA Film Critics Association [Link]
Bareback Mountain
16:11 - 16:42
Music: "The Answers," by Steven Gullett
16:43 - 22:49
Heath Ledger toils in antiquity
Zack digs "Catholic movies"
Mormon movies
Shoutout to Caitlin
Your thoughts on Brokeback Mountain - email us!
22:50 - 31:36
Radio vs Podcast
Faking it on Wikipedia [Link]
Black Face Jesus cares about the Earth [Link] [Link]
What would Black Face Jesus Do? Email us!
Closing theme: "Lovers and Clowns," by Steven Gullett


Anonymous said...

I love you.


Zack said...

We love you, too.

Anonymous said...

Yay for more Sink!

Anonymous said...

That should've said Hillary. Damn.

Anonymous said...

Oh, remember Brokeback Mountain was the one I was telling you about back in the day where in the story the wife talks about how her husband likes to have sex "the other way" or something like that. And it was funny.

Yeah, I didnt sleep tonight.


Anonymous said...

dood, when are you guys gonna talk about the rednecking of America

Carrie said...

One of these days Moe, one of these days.

Anonymous said...

you guys need to be a bit more scheduled with just ramble or blabber half the time

if you're gonna read the news have some discussion on it, don't read me the news--kind of gloss it but hit the main's not 1939, I can read the news somewhere

also another idea...something about Howard Stern jumping from radio to satellite--since it's in the same vain of podcasts

Oh, and I wanna hear your RENT conversation...which btw, there's not a god damned thing about gay marriage in the play, Jonathan Larson wrote it in the early/mid-ninties--crap ass Chris Columbus added the gay marriage...Maureen and Joanne have little fights through Act One and it blows up on the street in "Take Me or Leave Me" in Act 2...and Columbus added the time frame--it was supposed to be present day when it came out 1994 not fucking surmise Chris Columbus screwed RENT up--he took almost all energy and pertinence out of it
That's not to say I didn't like the movie--I liked it because I'm a retared Renthead and loved seeing the original cast up there and in general it was good but it could've been so much better.

I apologize if any of that was a tad harsh.

Zack said...

I don't remmeber talking about gay marriage vis-a-vis RENT. (Though I know Carrie and I have talked about it before. Maybe we *should* have the conversation.) I appreciate your feedback, Moe. I think you're right -- we're just a little too loose and rambling, though I like that somewhat.

P.S. My friend Alex (who liked the movie) pointed out that moving the movie to 1989 fucks up Angel's THELMA AND LOUSIE line, since that movie wasn't out yet. Ouch.